If you decide to sell, our team will…
- Expertly market your home through channels like social media, websites, and multiple listing services.
- Conduct a comparative market analysis to demonstrate what other homes in your area have been sold for in the recent months.
- Secure the assistance of other professionals for completing the paperwork accurately and while meeting critical deadlines.
- Complete a property profile of your home, including current conditions, surroundings and special features.
- Free Professional House Cleaning!
- Complimentary Professional Home Staging/Consultation
- Contractors available to make improvements easy and affordable
- Professional Photographing with Virtual Tours
- Colour printed feature sheets highlighting your home
- Professional Floor Plans
- Team of Professionals working for you for the same price as hiring a single Broker
- Paid Home Inspection if Necessary

Team Cornerstone Sales Representative
Office:(905) 330-9279
Office:(905) 330-9279
Re/Max Aboutowne Realty Corp
1235 North Service Road W. Suite 100
Oakville, ON L6M 2W2
RE/MAX Aboutowne Realty Corp., Brokerage
- (905) 842-8000
- (905) 842-8482
- Email Us
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